paul samuelson

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paul samuelsonpaul samuelson
  1. Paul Samuelson once said that the stock market had predicted eight of the last five recessions .


  2. This tendency was given renewed impetus in the mid-20th century by Paul Samuelson 's application to economics of mathematical principles derived from thermodynamics .


  3. Good questions outrank easy answers . & Paul Samuelson .


  4. Stagflation was a term coined by Paul Samuelson to describe the combination of high inflation and high unemployment .


  5. And Schumpeter 's most brilliant student , Paul Samuelson , would lead the postwar development of economics in quite different directions .


  6. The collector of contemporary keynesianism - paul Samuelson


  7. The US economist Paul Samuelson once remarked that Wall Street predicted eight of the last five recessions ; the same might be said of recoveries .


  8. When I ask James for his literary inspirations , he names economists : Paul Samuelson , Robert Fogel and " early writers in econometrics . "


  9. He agrees with Nouriel Roubini 's variation of Paul Samuelson 's quip : that the stock market has forecasted six out of the last zero recoveries .


  10. What happens to developed countries when emerging market economies begin to produce more and more advanced products was debated in academic circles nearly a decade ago by economists such as Nobel laureate Paul Samuelson .


  11. Paul Samuelson , the great economist who first put the assumption of consistency at the heart of economic argument , rightly dismissed these exercises with the most devastating insult in science : they are not even wrong .


  12. After Keynes , the " post-Keynesian leading economics ", represented by American economist Paul Samuelson , advocated to synthesize Keynesian economic theories and the neoclassical economics and to introduce vigorously the demand management in policy .


  13. " I WAS reborn , born as an economist , at8.00am on January2nd1932 , in the University of Chicago classroom ," wrote Paul Samuelson in a memoir published earlier this month .


  14. But he also pointed out that Paul Samuelson , a famous economist ( and uncle of Mr Summers ), had argued that the case for free trade might not apply when countries were trading with nations that were pursuing mercantilist policies .


  15. By training Kotler was an economist , studying first at the University of Chicago under Milton Friedman , a free-market evangelist , before moving on to do a PhD at MIT under Paul Samuelson , a Nobel Prize-winning Keynesian economist .


  16. Paul Anthony Samuelson is one of the great masters in the present world economics , and also is an infrequent generalist in the world who studied various fields of economics .


  17. Paul Anthony Samuelson , who won the Economic Nobel prize in1970 , is one of great American economists , representative of post-Keyness economic school , and the founder of neoclassical synthesis .


  18. After Marshall , Keynes established the macroeconomics , and Paul Anthony Samuelson has colligated the microeconomics of Marshall and the macroeconomics of Keynes to form the New Classical School .
